OCS Reform Act of 2010

June 22, 2010
09:32 AM
Outer Continental Shelf Reform Act
Repairing the way that our nation’s offshore oil and gas activities are managed has been an important legislative priority for our Committee.  Chairman Bingaman and Ranking Republican Murkowski have worked cooperatively on this effort, identifying problem areas and potential solutions for those problems.  The result is S. 3516 -- the bipartisan Outer Continental Shelf Reform Act.
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM): “This bill takes a number of important steps to ensure that the Outer Continental Shelf will be managed in a balanced, prudent and vigilant way, to ensure energy production, safety and protection of the environment.   Its goal is to create a culture of excellence that benefits those who work in the oil industry, those who depend on other marine resources, and all Americans who care deeply about our oceans and coastal environment.”
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK): “The bill should give Secretary Salazar the tools he is asking for to correct many of the deficiencies in the MMS which have come to light since the Deepwater Horizon disaster.”  Murkowski is looking forward to Thursday’s hearing to make sure the bill appropriately reorganizes MMS. However, she did note that changes to the bill may be required based on information obtained at the hearing to ensure the new reorganization does not further harm the agency’s ability to oversee offshore energy production.
On Thursday, at 9:30 a.m. in Dirksen 366, Senate Energy Committee will have a legislative hearing on this bill, plus three other bills related to offshore oil and gas development.
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