Murkowski: Economics Should Determine Market for U.S. Natural Gas

Full Range of Benefits of LNG Export Deserve to be Considered

November 8, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today expressed her view that local and world economics should guide the potential exportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States. Murkowski made her comments during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing on the issue Tuesday.
“Not long ago, we feared that large-scale LNG imports would be necessary to meet our domestic demand,” Murkowski said. “Suddenly, we have a considerable supply of natural gas, which can help us achieve many of our fundamental goals of making our energy supplies cleaner burning, secure, affordable and domestic.”
The United States has strict export rules, requiring each export license to be individually approved. Murkowski, the committee’s senior Republican, said legislators should consider the full range of benefits to be gained from exporting LNG, including the creation of American jobs, improved balance of trade and allowing the open market to work for us, instead of creating layers of new regulations.
“We would all sleep better at night knowing that our nation was an energy exporter again, while maintaining a sufficient supply to meet our domestic needs,” Murkowski said. “Instead of dollars flowing out of this country, dollars would be flowing in. Instead of jobs and investments going abroad, those benefits would stay here. That would do wonders for our energy security, our trade balance and the growth of our economy.”
“Alaska has sent LNG from Cook Inlet to Japan for more than four decades,” Murkowski said. “The opportunity to tap into the lucrative Pacific Rim market has helped encourage production in a challenging environment.” 
For further information, please contact Robert Dillon at 202.224.6977 or or Megan Hermann at 202.224.7875 or