Week Ahead (March 7-11)

March 4, 2011
01:37 PM
Week of March 7 - 11
--On Tuesday, March 8, the full committee will hold consider the nomination of Peter B. Lyons, to be assistant secretary of energy for nuclear energy.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)
--On Thursday, March 10, the full committee will hold a legislative hearing on two bills: S. 398, the Implementation of National Consensus Appliance Agreements Act of 2011, and S. 395, the Better Use of Light Bulbs Act.  Witnesses include Kathleen Hogan, deputy assistant secretary of energy efficiency, Department of Energy; Steve Nadel, executive director, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; Joseph McGuire, president, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers; Kyle Pitsor, vice president of government relations, National Electrical Manufacturers Association; Stephen Yurek, president and chief executive officer, Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute; Dr. Mark Cooper, director of research, Consumer Federation of America; and others.  A complete witness list will be posted later to our website.  (Dirksen 366 at 9:30 a.m.)
Bonus …
Located on the third floor of Dirksen, in SD-364, next to the committee’s hearing room, we invite reporters to visit our press shop when near our area.  Our hours are roughly 8:30 to 7:00, Monday-Friday.   
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For more information, please contact Bill Wicker at 202.224.5243 or bill_wicker@energy.senate.gov
or Rosemarie Calabro at 202.224.5039 or rosemarie_calabro@energy.senate.gov
Visit our website at http://energy.senate.gov/