Week Ahead: July 11-14

July 7, 2011
05:10 PM
Week of July 11 - 14
On Tuesday, July 12, the full committee will consider three bills: S. 1160, the Department of Energy Administrative Improvement Act of 2011; S. 1108, the 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2011; and S. 1142, the Geothermal Exploration and Technology Act of 2011.  Witnesses include Steve Chalk, deputy assistant secretary of the office of energy efficiency and renewable energy, U.S. Department of Energy; Douglas Dougherty, president and chief executive officer, the Geothermal Exchange Organization, Springfield, IL; and Holly Gordon, vice president of legislative and regulatory affairs, SunRun Inc., San Francisco, CA.  Additional witnesses will be posted to the website.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)
On Thursday, July 14, the full committee will hold a business meeting to consider pending legislation.  As a reminder, our mark-ups are open to the public and the press, but are not webcast.  We will distribute the short list when it is available, either late Friday or Monday.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)
We’ve had some recent staff changes here on the Committee – as you’ll see at next week’s mark-up.  Amanda Kelly, having worked on the Committee since 2001, has started in her new role as the Committee Calendar Clerk.  Allison Seyferth has been promoted to Executive Assistant for the Democratic Staff, and Jake McCook has stepped up to the plate as the new staff assistant for the Natural Resources staffers.  We welcome these familiar faces in their new roles!
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