Murkowski, Hastings Call on EIA to Clarify, Re-Release Federal Energy Production Data

March 2, 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Washington, today sent a letter to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) urging expedited corrections to any potential errors in its data for oil and natural gas production on federal lands.

Murkowski and Hastings believe it is incumbent on statistical agencies to provide auditable numbers so the debate can focus on policy, instead of the accuracy of production-related facts.   

On Jan. 26, EIA rescinded the data within Table 1.14 of its latest Annual Energy Review, which relates to “Fossil Fuel Production on Federally Administered Lands.” Weeks later, this data still has not been corrected or republished. 

“Despite our expectation that EIA’s federal oil and gas production data would be corrected quickly, five weeks have now passed and the latest communication suggests that several more are still needed. This surprises us, to say the least,” Murkowski and Hastings wrote in their letter. “Adding to our concern is that EIA has rescinded this data at a time of rising gasoline prices, and therefore a time when Congress is more likely to debate and potentially enact energy-related legislation.”

Murkowski is the Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Hastings is the Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.

The full letter is attached.


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