Week Ahead: July 16-20

July 13, 2012

On Tuesday, July 17, the full committee will examine the status of action taken to ensure that the electric grid is protected from cyber attacks.  Witnesses include Joseph McClelland, director of the office of electric reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Gregory Wilshusen, director information and technology, Government Accountability Office; Gerry Cauley, president and chief executive officer, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, Atlanta, GA; and Todd Snitchler, chairman, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Columbus, OH.  (Dirksen 366 at 10:00 a.m.)



This week marked the one-year anniversary of S. 1342, the Grid Cyber Security Act, being placed on the Senate Calendar.  The Chairman hopes that when the Senate begins considering comprehensive cyber security legislation, that legislation can be strengthened and improved by incorporating S. 1342.


Also, there have been two recent promotions here on the Committee.  Symone Greene and John Assini are advancing from the Committee’s reception responsibilities to supporting Democratic staff on a range of energy and public lands issues.  Our congratulations to both.  Stepping up in our reception office will be Richard Coaxum, a three-time summer hire.  Richard, currently a junior at the University of Pittsburgh, comes prepared with years of knowledge on how our Committee works.  Please welcome him when you see him.

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For more information, please contact

Bill Wicker at 202.224.5243

or bill_wicker@energy.senate.gov

or Rosemarie Calabro at 202.224.5039 or rosemarie_calabro@energy.senate.gov

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