S. 211: To amend certain definitions contained in the Provo River Project Transfer Act for purposes of clarifying certain property descriptions, and for other purposes.
- February 4, 2013.-- Introduced.
- April 16, 2013.--Hearing held by Subcommittee on Water & Power.
- May 16, 2013.--Reported to the Senate without amendment favorably.
- June 27, 2013.--Reported to Senate without amendment. S. Rept. 113-52.
- June 27, 2013.--Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar [Calendar No. 106].
To amend certain definitions contained in the Provo River Project Transfer Act for purposes of clarifying certain property descriptions, and for other purposes. (Introduced in Senate - IS)
S 211 IS
To amend certain definitions contained in the Provo River Project Transfer Act for purposes of clarifying certain property descriptions, and for other purposes.
Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. LEE) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
To amend certain definitions contained in the Provo River Project Transfer Act for purposes of clarifying certain property descriptions, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
- (a) Pleasant Grove Property- Section 2(4)(A) of the Provo River Project Transfer Act (Public Law 108-382; 118 Stat. 2212) is amended by striking `of enactment of this Act' and inserting `on which the parcel is conveyed under section 3(a)(2)'.
- (b) Provo Reservoir Canal- Section 2(5) of the Provo River Project Transfer Act (Public Law 108-382; 118 Stat. 2212) is amended--
- (1) by striking `canal, and any associated land, rights-of-way, and facilities' and inserting `water conveyance facility historically known as the Provo Reservoir Canal and all associated bridges, fixtures, structures, facilities, lands, interests in land, and rights-of-way held,';
- (2) by inserting `and forebay' after `Diversion Dam';
- (3) by inserting `near the Jordan Narrows to the point where water is discharged to the Welby-Jacob Canal and the Utah Lake Distributing Canal' after `Penstock'; and
- (4) by striking `of enactment of this Act' and inserting `on which the Provo Reservoir Canal is conveyed under section 3(a)(1)'.