UPDATED: Chairman Murkowski and Ranking Member Cantwell Announce Upcoming Hearing Schedule

July 8, 2015
01:15 PM

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today announced its updated hearing schedule over the coming weeks in part on islanded energy systems in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Territories and the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle. More information on these hearings can be found at the links below or visiting the committee’s website.

  • CANCELED - Thursday, July 9, 10:00 a.m. Full committee hearing to receive testimony on mitigation requirements, interagency coordination and pilot projects related to economic development on federal lands.

  • Tuesday, July 14, 10:00 a.m. Full committee hearing to receive testimony on islanded energy systems, as well as energy and infrastructure challenges and opportunities in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Territories.

  • Thursday, July 16, 2:45 p.m. Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee hearing to receive testimony on three bills.
    • S.132, to improve timber management on Oregon and California Railroad and Coos Bay Wagon Road grant land, and for other purposes.
    • S.326, to amend the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 to provide cancellation ceilings for stewardship end result contracting projects, and for other purposes.
    • S.1691, to expedite and prioritize forest management activities to achieve ecosystem restoration objectives, and for other purposes.

  • Tuesday, August 4, 10:00 a.m - RESCHEDULED. Full committee hearing to receive testimony on the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle and related legislation, including S. 854, the Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2015.

All hearings will be held in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee room, Dirksen 366, and webcast live on the committee’s website. Witness testimony will be available online immediately before the start of each hearing.