UPDATED: Sen. Murkowski to Hold Field Hearing in Bethel on Alaska’s Leadership, Opportunities in Energy Innovation

February 12, 2016
02:45 PM

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, will host a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee field hearing on Monday, February 15, 2016 in Bethel, Alaska. The hearing will examine opportunities for energy innovation and technology deployment in high-cost areas in Alaska and around the country. Murkowski will use this hearing to highlight the innovative work being done in remote communities in Alaska – and to examine challenges that remain to ensure that rural Alaskans have access to affordable and renewable energy.

“The high cost of rural energy is one of the greatest challenges facing Alaska, and many of our communities have made great progress in reducing costs by integrating wind, solar, and geothermal into their microgrids,” Murkowski said. “This hearing will give the rest of the country and the world the opportunity to learn from Alaska’s successes and identify opportunities to promote further advances in energy innovation in our state.”

Murkowski, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, emphasized the committee’s efforts to promote energy innovation through legislation such as the Energy Policy Modernization Act – the broad, bipartisan energy bill the committee approved last July.

Murkowski will be joined in Alaska and at the field hearing by Sens. Barrasso, R-Wyo., Cantwell, D-Wash., Capito, R-W.Va., Daines, R-Mont., and King, I-Maine.

Oversight Field Hearing on Energy Technology Innovation and Deployment – Opportunities for Alaska’s Energy Future

When: Monday, February 15, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. Alaska Standard Time

Where: Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center, Library, and Museum

              420 Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway

              Bethel, Alaska 99559

RSVP: Press should RSVP to Michael Tadeo at Michael_Tadeo@energy.senate.gov and Karina Petersen at Karina_Petersen@murkowski.senate.gov

The hearing is open to the public and the media.

Witness List 

Panel I 

The Honorable Ernest Moniz


U.S. Department of Energy


Panel II 

The Honorable Bill Walker


State of Alaska 

The Honorable Bob Herron


State of Alaska 

Panel III 

Mr. Ralph Andersen

President & CEO 

       Bristol Bay Native Association           

Mr. Jack Hébert

Founder and CEO

Cold Climate Housing Research Center


Mr. Michael Black

Director of Rural Utilities Management Services

Division of Environmental Health & Engineering

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium


Mr. Michael J. Hoffman

Executive Vice President

Association of Village Council Presidents

Mr. Steve Gilbert

Manager Projects Development & Key Accounts

Alaska Village Electric Cooperative

Ms. Gwen Holdmann

Director, Alaska Center for Energy & Power

University of Alaska Fairbanks