Today: Cantwell Applauds Rich Glick’s Nomination for Commissioner at FERC

September 7, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Today, Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) commended President Trump’s nomination of Rich Glick to serve as commissioner at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 

“Rich understands the complex issues that come before the Commission because he has spent the past 25 years working on them. He also understands the importance of FERC’s role in protecting the public interest, in ensuring just and reasonable rates for natural gas and electric consumers, and in keeping our energy markets fair and free from manipulation," said Senator Cantwell. 

Rich’s appointment to the Commission certainly will be a loss for us here, but will be a gain for FERC.”

During the hearing, Senator Cantwell questioned Glick about the cybersecurity of our energy grid.  Cyber attacks on our electric utilities and the electric grid are a constant and a growing threat,” said Senator Cantwell.  “Are you satisfied that we are doing enough here? Do you think there is more that needs to be done to protect the grid?”

Glick responded stating, “Clearly there is more that needs to done. Utilities and the grid are under constant attack . . . if I am confirmed I will certainly want to work more on [protecting the grid from potential cyber-attacks].” 
