Murkowski: U.S. Natural Gas Can Help Power the World

June 28, 2018

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today delivered opening remarks for a panel discussion on “Access to Sustainable Energy in Developing Economies” at the 27th World Gas Conference, which is being held in Washington, D.C. The conference has attracted thousands of the most influential leaders, policymakers, and experts in the energy industry from more than 100 countries to discuss how natural gas will fuel the future.

Murkowski speaking at the 27th World Gas Conference

“Access to energy is fundamental to reducing poverty, improving health, increasing productivity, and promoting economic growth,” Murkowski said. “It shapes our quality of life – how we will live, how well we will live, and even how long we will live.”

Murkowski pointed to America’s massive supplies of clean-burning natural gas as a reliable resource to help reach the goal of universal access to sustainable energy.

“We’re now the world’s largest producer of natural gas. We’ve gone from debating how many import terminals will line our coasts to conversations about how much we can export,” Murkowski said. “Our mindset has changed from a deep-seated fear of scarcity, to the incredible possibilities of abundance. And that has opened new doors for us and for the world.”

Murkowski concluded by touting how U.S. LNG projects – including the world’s largest, the proposed Alaska LNG project – will play a crucial role in meeting growing global demand.

“The Alaska LNG project is designed to move more than 20 million metric tons of natural gas each year. We’re working hard to get that project going,” Murkowski said. “Global access to sustainable energy is finally within our reach – and it’s a privilege to be here, to kick off this discussion, as we think about ways to finally make it a reality.”     

Murkowski is chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.