Barrasso Opening Statement at Committee Business Meeting to Consider Public Lands Legislation

November 18, 2021

Click here to watch Ranking Member Barrasso’s remarks.  

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), delivered the following remarks at a business meeting to consider several pieces of pending public lands-related legislation.  

To watch the full business meeting and see the full list of bills considered, click here. 

Senator Barrasso’s remarks: 

“Included in the markup are also three bills I oppose. 

“They will limit our nation’s access to important energy and mineral resources.  

“In an agreement with the chairman, we will have recorded votes on these specific bills. 

“We will also markup a number of important bipartisan bills I do support.

“In an agreement with the chairman, we will consider 22 bills by voice vote. 

“These pieces of legislation cover a range of public lands issues, from reauthorizing National Heritage Areas to protecting national historic sites. 

“We also have bills to recognize the men and women who have served in our Armed Forces, including those who received the Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest military decoration. 

“I am pleased to have introduced along with Chairman Manchin legislation to reauthorize a series of National Heritage Areas across the nation. 

“This bipartisan legislation includes numerous bills to promote tourism and educational activities in these heritage areas. 

“We will consider legislation I introduced with Senator Bennett of Colorado called the Ski Hill Resources for Economic Development Act, or the ‘SHRED Act.’ 

“This legislation will invest in outdoor recreation in mountain communities like those in Wyoming and Colorado. 

“The SHRED Act does this by ensuring National Forests retain a portion of the annual fees generated by ski areas operating within their boundaries. 

“These retained fees will be used on projects to improve recreation management, protect our forests, and support local economies. 

“Wyoming is home to world class skiing. 

“Our ski resorts are critical to our local economies. 

“Right now, Wyoming ski communities are sending money to Washington, but not receiving full benefits for these fees. 

“The SHRED Act will help make the Forest Service a better partner. 

“I thank Senators Cortez Masto, Daines, Hickenlooper, Kelly, Risch, and Wyden of this committee for cosponsoring this important legislation. 

“I would also like to highlight legislation introduced by Senator Ernst to establish a Global War on Terrorism memorial on the National Mall. 

“I support this legislation, which is so important to the men and women of our Armed Forces, as well as their families. 

“We should recognize the heroic contributions of these men and women – especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our nation from the threat of terrorism. 

“In particular, I would like to recognize the service and sacrifice of Marine Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum. 

“He was killed in a suicide bombing while guarding a gate at the Kabul, Afghanistan airport during the final hours of the U.S. botched evacuation from the country. 

“Whether serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, or here at home, these men and women have kept, and are keeping, our nation safe from terror. 

“Let’s honor their service by supporting this important legislation, and urge its swift passage by the full Senate. 

“Mr. Chairman, I look forward to continuing to work with you, in a bipartisan way, to advance the legislative priorities that we share. 

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman.”

