Manchin Joins President Biden, Bipartisan Senators To Sign Infrastructure Bill Into Law

November 15, 2021

West Virginia benefits from the bipartisan infrastructure bill can be found here

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) joined President Biden and a group of bipartisan, bicameral Members of Congress at the White House for the signing of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that will bring around $6 billion to West Virginia for infrastructure investments over the next five years.

“Today, I was honored to join President Biden and my bipartisan, bicameral colleagues at the White House for the signing of this once-in-a-generation bipartisan infrastructure bill,” said Senator Manchin. “West Virginia will receive around $6 billion to invest in our most urgent infrastructure needs while creating good-paying jobs and growing our economy. Every single West Virginian will benefit from this bill. I have always said that the best politics is good government, and I’m incredibly proud of the monumental bipartisan efforts to deliver this major investment in the needs of America.”

West Virginia Wins in Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

  • Roughly $3 billion to repair our roads and highways
  • Around $500 million for bridges
  • Nearly $200 million just for Corridor H
  • Around $40 million for West Virginia airports
  • Over $300 million for public transportation
  • Around $600 million to expand broadband access
  • Over $475 million for water and wastewater upgrades
  • Around $100-$200 million to cap orphaned oil and gas wells
  • At least $700 million for abandoned mine land reclamation
    • 13 year extension for the abandoned mine lands reclamation fee
    • West Virginia has 140,355 acres of AML land
  • Additional funding to reinvigorate coal communities, including a new program to build clean energy on current and former mine lands and grants for manufacturers to build or retrofit facilities to produce or recycle energy products in communities that have seen coal mines or plants close. 

Estimates on the West Virginia benefits from the bipartisan infrastructure bill can be found here.

Senator Manchin serves as Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which reported the Energy Infrastructure Act in July before it became Division D of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. West Virginia benefits from the Energy Infrastructure Act can be found here.
