Ranking Member Barrasso Releases Investigative Report: “Europe’s Energy Crisis: A Warning to America"

November 4, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), released an investigative report titled, “Europe’s Energy Crisis: A Warning to America.” The report examines how Europe’s energy crisis serves as a dire warning to the United States if Democrats enact President Biden’s budget blowout. 

“Europe’s energy crisis should serve as a dire warning to every American. If Democrats get their way and pass their reckless tax and spending spree, we will see the same crisis here,” said Barrasso. “This investigative report shows that Europe has already tried these punishing energy policies and failed. The results have been climbing energy bills for consumers, less reliable electric service, power shortages, and an increased reliance on Vladimir Putin. The United States shouldn’t copy Europe’s failed energy playbook.” 

The investigative report finds: 

  • Europe’s current energy crisis serves as a dire warning to what we could see in the United States if Democrats pass their reckless tax and spending spree legislation. The results will be sky-high rates for energy and electricity, shortages of natural gas and other fuels, more blackouts, and less geopolitical clout. 
  • Inexpensive energy is a huge competitive plus for the United States. Yet the Biden administration seems determined to surrender this national advantage by working to eliminate the low-priced fuels that supply 80 percent of our energy and saddling the energy producers and consumers alike with more regulations and taxes.
  • The impulsive and imprudent actions of President Biden have created uncertainty in U.S. energy markets and the events in Europe are giving us a preview of coming attractions should Democrats succeed in passing their Green New Deal-laden budget just before the winter heating season begins. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), families can be expected to pay, depending on the fuel being used and the weather, 4 percent to 94 percent more to heat their homes.


Read the full report here
