Barrasso: Recreation and Tourism is One of the Cornerstones of Wyoming’s Economy

December 2, 2021

Click here to watch Ranking Member Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), delivered the following remarks at a full committee hearing to receive testimony on a number of outdoor recreation bills.  

The hearing featured testimony from Mr. Christopher French, deputy chief of the National Forest System at the Forest Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Mr. Mark Lambrecht, assistant director of the National Conservation Lands & Community Partnerships at the Bureau of Land Management at the U.S. Department of the Interior; Mr. Fred Ferguson, vice president of Public Affairs and Communications at Vista Outdoor; and Ms. Jessica (Wahl) Turner, president of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable. 

For more information on witness testimony click here. 

Senator Barrasso’s remarks: 

“Thanks so much Mr. Chairman, and thanks for holding this important hearing today. 

“Today, we are discussing a number of bills important to my home state, and other states, that have an interest in promoting recreational opportunities and access on public lands. 

“These include S.3266, the Outdoor Recreation Act,. I’m delighted to be cosponsoring it with you, Mr. Chairman. 

“Our bipartisan legislation is going to increase and improve outdoor recreation opportunities all across America. 

“It’s going to help modernize public campgrounds, establish shooting ranges on federal forests, and ensure increased access to America’s public lands. 

“The bill will also leverage private funding to create new recreational opportunities on our public lands.

“Wyoming is home to some of the most incredible national parks and public lands in the nation. 

“The Outdoor Recreation Act will help Americans better enjoy everything Wyoming has to offer. 

“Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon stated that, ‘If passed, [the bill] will not only support Wyoming’s efforts to protect our world-class waters and lands, but provide residents and visitors with improved infrastructure and increased recreational opportunities on Wyoming’s Federal lands.’ 

“Thanks Mr. Chairman for working with me, in a bipartisan way, to develop and introduce this important piece of legislation. 

“Additionally, I would also like to highlight two other bills I’ve introduced for today’s hearing and they’re on agenda. 

“The first is S.1616, the Federal Interior Land Media Act or the FILM Act. 

“To keep pace with evolving social media and changing technology, this legislation modernizes film permitting on public lands. 

“It gives outdoors enthusiasts the ability to share their adventures without having to deal with burdensome red tape. 

“In the 21st Century, it simply does not make sense to make people jump through a gauntlet of bureaucratic hoops just to film and upload their public land adventures. 

“The FILM Act fixes this by exempting certain video, digital, and audio recording activities from unnecessary fees and arbitrary permitting rules, while also ensuring the protection of our public lands. 

“I would also like to highlight S.2886, the Cape and Antler Preservation Enhancement Act, or CAPE Act. 

“In Grand Teton National Park, non-native mountain goats threaten the struggling native bighorn sheep herd. 

“Through coordinated efforts with the National Park Service, volunteers play a major role in helping to conserve the bighorn sheep by removing the non-native goats. 

“Current law gives discretion to the Park Service to donate the meat obtained from non-native species during these authorized wildlife management activities. 

“Yet, the hide, horn, and antlers go to waste. 

“The CAPE Act recognizes conservation efforts by allowing for the donation of hides and horns to volunteers who help protect our native bighorn sheep. 

“Again, Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for having this important hearing. 

“Recreation and tourism is one of the cornerstones of my home state’s economy.

“It is also part of what makes Wyoming a premier travel destination for millions of visitors from around the world. 

“The pieces of legislation I highlighted here today help ensure Americans can enjoy more of what Wyoming has to offer. 

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman for working with me on these bills important bills.”
