Barrasso Questions Haaland on Energy Permits, Republicans Believing in Science, & Climate Effects of Leasing Ban

February 23, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), questioned the Honorable Debra Haaland, President Biden’s nominee to be the next secretary of the interior. Haaland testified before ENR at a hearing on her nomination.  

Barrasso pressed Haaland on a number of issues, including her views on the federal government continuing to issue energy permits, her past tweet on Republicans believing in science, the lost jobs from the administration’s oil and natural gas leasing ban on federal lands and waters, and climate effects from the oil & natural gas leasing ban on federal lands and waters. 

On the Federal Government Continuing to Issue Energy Permits:   

Barrasso: “I’d just like to follow up on some of the things Senator Manchin started with. Yes or no answers – if you could.   As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit oil and gas wells in this country?” 

Haaland: “Yes and I believe that’s happening.” 

Barrasso: “As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit coal mines in this country?” 

Haaland: “Yes. Ranking Member, if I could just say, I know coal mines were not a part of President Biden’s executive order. 

Barrasso: “As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit copper, lithium, and other hardrock mines in this country? Senator Manchin was just asking about some hardrock mining issues.” 

Haaland: “Senator, I believe if we do these things in a responsible manner and protect the health and safety of workers, I see us moving forward. The earth is here to provide for us, and that’s my belief.” 

Barrasso: “As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit natural gas pipelines in this country?”

Haaland: “Senator, as I mentioned in my opening statement, I believe this will go on for quite some time. I know President Biden has put a pause on new leases, not existing ones.” 

Barrasso: “As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit oil pipelines in this country?” 

Haaland: “Senator with respect to the Department of Interior, wherever pipelines fall under, the authority of the Department of the Interior, of course.” 

Barrasso: “As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit electric transmission lines in this country?” 

Haaland: “I believe that would help our energy needs, sir.” 

Barrasso: “As a general matter, should the federal government continue to permit natural gas or nuclear power plants in this country?” 

Haaland: “Senator, I assume that – if I’m confirmed as secretary of interior, of course I would follow the law on all of these things.”


Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Haaland on the federal government continuing to issue energy permits.


On Her Past Tweet on Republicans Believing in Science: 

“I think one of the concerns we have is that there are three senators on this committee that are medical doctors. 

“Dr. Cassidy is a gastroenterologist. Dr. Marshall is an obstetrician. I’m an orthopedic surgeon.

“Just a couple of months ago, you tweeted ‘Republicans don’t believe in science.’ 

“It’s a pretty broad statement that you made there. This was in October of 2020 – not too long ago. 

“We are also Republicans. Do you think that as medical doctors, we don’t believe in science? 

“How do you stand by this statement?"


Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Haaland on her past tweet on Republicans believing in science.


On Lost Jobs from the Administration’s Oil & Natural Gas Leasing Ban on Federal Lands and Waters:

“In his first few weeks in office, President Biden issued several orders as we talked about – banning new oil and natural gas leasing on federal lands and waters. 

“It is estimated that a long-term leasing ban will cost your home state of New Mexico 62,000 jobs and my home state of Wyoming 33,000 jobs. 

“A long-term leasing ban will also cost Louisiana 48,000 jobs, Colorado 18,000 jobs, Mississippi 14,000 jobs, North Dakota 13,000 jobs, Utah 11,000 jobs, and 7,000 jobs in Alaska and Montana. 

“And these are just the jobs represented by people on this committee.

“You said you will work your heart out for everyone, including fossil fuel workers. 

“My question for you is: why not just let these workers keep their jobs? 

“If confirmed, would you tell the president it’s unwise to continue the pause as a permanent  ban?"


Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Haaland on the lost jobs from the administration’s oil and natural gas leasing ban on federal lands and waters.


On Climate Effects from the Oil & Natural Gas Leasing Ban on Federal Lands and Waters:

Barrasso: “President Biden has justified his ban on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. He cited climate change. Are you aware of any evidence that suggests that a ban on oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters is going to reduce the world’s total production of oil and gas?” 

Haaland: “No, Sir.” 

Barrasso: “Are you aware of any evidence that a ban on oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters is going to reduce the world’s total consumption of oil and gas?” 

Haaland: “Ranking Member, I actually haven’t looked at all the statistics but I believe it’s a situation where everyone should work together.” 

Barrasso: “It seems that the president’s ban on oil and gas leasing isn’t going to reduce the world’s production or consumption of oil and gas. So, I would just return to the question of why wouldn’t we let these Americans keep their jobs? Because we are not seeing any other country that’s banned energy production because of climate change. Russia hasn’t done it. Saudi Arabia. Iran. India. China. I continue to believe it’s a misguided decision by the president.”


Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Haaland on climate effects from the oil & natural gas leasing ban on federal lands and waters.

