Barrasso: Mr. Turk Must Prioritize Policies that Include Energy Production from Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, & Uranium

March 4, 2021

Click here to watch Ranking Member Barrasso’s remarks.  

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), delivered the following remarks at a hearing entitled, “Hearing to Consider the Nomination of David M. Turk to be the Deputy Secretary of Energy.”

The hearing featured testimony from David Turk, nominee to be the deputy secretary of energy. 

For more information on witness testimony click here. 

Senator Barrasso’s remarks: 

“I would also like to welcome David Turk to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. 

“Congratulations on your nomination. 

“Thank you for spending time with me yesterday. I know it was a very productive discussion. I appreciated that. 

“Our nation’s energy production benefits every American as we discussed yesterday.  

“American energy keeps the lights on for our schools, our businesses, and our homes. 

“It powers our cars, our buses, our trucks, our ships, our airplanes, and our trains. 

“Whether it’s coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, water, sun, or wind – the energy resources we use to generate power provide the backbone for our economy. 

“Over the decades, our nation has made great progress in improving the environmental and economic performance of all of these energy resources. 

“We must never rest on our laurels. 

“We must always continue to harness American ingenuity, investment, and innovation to make our use of these energy resources even cleaner and more cost-effective and efficient for the American people. 

“Last Congress I, along with my Democrat and Republican colleagues, worked together to enact a law that promotes carbon capture technologies, provides for more efficient diesel engines, and prevents greenhouse gas emissions from air conditioners. 

“This was the most significant climate change law to pass Congress in years, and it’s going to pay significant dividends for the environment. 

“I look forward to working with Chairman Manchin, the members of this committee, and the Department of Energy to build on this record of bipartisanship. 

“If confirmed as deputy secretary of energy, Mr. Turk is going to play a critical role in our nation’s energy agenda. 

“His experience in energy policy is extensive and includes leadership positions at the International Energy Agency in Paris, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of State, and the National Security Council.   

“During his career, Mr. Turk has worked to support the development of innovative energy technologies. 

“He has specifically spoken publicly about the need for carbon capture technologies. 

“I hope to hear more from Mr. Turk today about his support for developing innovative energy technologies, including carbon capture technologies. 

“I also want to hear from him on how the Biden administration can promote American energy exports instead of stifling domestic production. 

“Much of our nation’s energy comes from Wyoming, which is America’s leading energy producer. 

“It has among the largest reserves of energy resources in the country. 

“It produces 15 times more energy than it consumes, and is the biggest net energy supplier among all 50 states. 

“Energy production is the economic life blood of Wyoming. 

“It creates good-paying jobs. It provides a critical source of revenue to state and local governments. 

“I look forward to hearing how Mr. Turk will prioritize policies that take advantage of the enormous energy, economic, and national security benefits generated by our abundant fossil energy resources. 

“All too often, international climate efforts, such as the Paris climate agreement, are designed to give other countries an advantage over ours. 

“This agreement gave countries like China, Russia, Iran, a competitive advantage over America – with little to no environmental benefit. 

“If confirmed as deputy secretary of energy, Mr. Turk must prioritize policies that are directly associated and focused on helping Americans.  

“This is going to include energy production from coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium.

“The Biden administration has already declared war on American energy and American energy workers. 

“Its policies make the United States, and our allies, more vulnerable to China, Russia, and the OPEC nations. 

“I’m not going to sit idly by while this administration enforces policies that threaten my home state’s economy and the livelihoods of so many people in my state and across the country. 

“The bottom line is the United States will need fossil fuels well into the future. 

“Coal, oil, and natural gas are not going away, and America should not leave these assets stranded in the ground. 

“If confirmed as deputy secretary of energy, Mr. Turk must ensure that he and his colleagues at the department recognize this reality. 

“So thank you again, Mr. Chairman, for calling this hearing. 

“I look forward to Mr. Turk’s testimony and having an opportunity to further explore and discuss these issues with the nominee.”

