Barrasso: We Must Use & Promote Every Kind of American Energy & the Thousands of Jobs that Come with Them

March 24, 2021

Click here to watch Ranking Member Barrasso’s remarks.  

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) delivered the following remarks on the nomination of David M. Turk to be deputy secretary of energy. 

Barrasso is ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR). 

Senator Barrasso’s remarks: 

“Today, the Senate will vote on the nomination of David Turk to serve as deputy secretary of energy. 

“If confirmed, he will play a critical role in our nation’s energy agenda and in leading the department.

“His experience in energy policy is extensive. 

“He has served in leadership positions at the International Energy Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of State, and the National Security Council. 

“He is an expert in his field and his qualifications are very clear. 

“It is also clear from his nomination hearing that he is dedicated to all types of American energy. 

“This critical if we are going to keep America an energy dominant nation. 

“I especially appreciated his commitment to advanced nuclear and carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration technologies. 

“During his hearing, he said: ‘There are huge opportunities on CCUS, if we can work together and really go to scale.’ 

“He also emphasized the need to construct CO2 pipelines to move that captured carbon. 

“I agree. 

“Carbon capture technologies hold the key to major emissions reeducations, while enabling America to use the tremendous natural resources in which we are blessed. 

“This issue has broad bipartisan support. 

“Last Congress, I worked with Democrats including Sheldon Whitehouse and Tom Carper, as well as Republicans including Shelley Moore Capito to pass the USE IT Act into law. 

“This bipartisan law will support the development of carbon capture – and direct air capture – technologies. 

“This kind of groundbreaking research is already happening in Wyoming. 

“The Integrated Test Center – located outside of Gillette, Wyoming – is hosting carbon capture research teams today. 

“These research teams are looking at how we can take captured carbon emissions and transform them into marketable products like building materials, clothing, and even hand sanitizer. 

“I would welcome Mr. Turk and Energy Secretary Granholm to come to Gillette to see the fantastic research taking place there. 

“Mr. Turk was also very responsive to the committee’s questions for the records. 

“That has not been the case with every one of President Biden’s nominees so far.

“If he is confirmed, Mr. Turk must prioritize policies that take advantage of the enormous economic and national security benefits generated by America’s oil, natural gas, and coal resources. 

“The Biden administration has taken a sledgehammer to the economies of Wyoming and other Western states by declaring war on these natural resources. 

“Let me be very clear. Coal, oil, and natural gas are not going away. 

“America is going to rely on these resources for decades to come. 

“We need to use and promote every kind of American energy and the thousands of jobs that come with them. 

“Coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, and renewables are all essential to America’s energy mix. 

“Mr. Turk demonstrated that he understood that reality during his nomination hearing. 

“He can be sure that I will hold him to the commitments he made during his nomination hearing to expand carbon capture as well as nuclear power. 

“I’m going to continue to hold the Biden administration accountable as well.

“As I did in committee, I will support Mr. Turk’s nomination on the floor today.”

