Barrasso Statement on President Biden's Latest Tax Hike Proposal

October 31, 2022

CASPER, WY — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), released the following statement on President Biden’s windfall profits tax proposal. 

“President Biden loves to raise taxes. He and Senate Democrats have worked purposely for months to increase energy costs. That includes a tax increase on oil and natural gas just a few months ago. That didn’t help bring consumer energy prices down and this tax increase won’t either. President Biden should follow the law and hold required American oil and gas lease sales. He should issue a robust five-year plan. That’s the right way to unleash American energy production and lower prices for American families.” 

Background Information: 

On August 7, 2022, Senate Democrats voted for higher inflation, higher taxes, and to keep more American energy locked in the ground as part of their reckless tax and spending spree.

