Energy Committee Sends Nuclear Energy Nominee To Senate Floor With Unanimous Support

April 28, 2022

To watch a video of Senator Manchin’s remarks, please click here.

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a business meeting to consider the pending nomination of Dr. Kathryn Huff to be an Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Energy. U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman of the Committee, voted to support Dr. Huff’s nomination and she passed out of committee by voice vote.

“I believe Dr. Huff is very well qualified for this important position. She has the academic training, as a physicist and a nuclear engineer. She has extensive experience, as a graduate research assistant at the Argonne and Idaho National Laboratories, as a postdoctoral fellow at Berkeley, as a professor at the University of Illinois, and as a nuclear program manager for the past year as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy. She has demonstrated her ability to handle the job, both through her performance as the Acting Assistant Secretary over the past year and at her hearing, where she showed a firm grasp on the nuclear issues in answering the Committee’s questions. I strongly support her nomination and I urge a favorable vote to report her nomination,” Chairman Manchin said.

To watch the business meeting in full, please click here.
