University of Wyoming’s Dr. Holly Krutka Testifies Before the Senate on Hydrogen

July 19, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), welcomed Dr. Holly Krutka, executive director of the School of Energy Resources at the University of Wyoming, to the committee. Krutka testified before the committee at a hearing to examine federal regulatory authorities governing the development of interstate hydrogen pipelines, storage, import, and export facilities.

Barrasso introduced Krutka to the committee prior to her testimony. “It is my pleasure to introduce Dr. Holly Krutka, who is the executive director of the School of Energy Resources at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Krutka holds a doctorate in chemical engineering. She is a leading expert on advanced carbon capture technologies. 

“She has led the School of Energy Resources since March 2020. The school conducts world-class research in carbon capture, critical minerals, and hydrogen production and transportation. She holds three patents and has served in leadership positions on the National Coal Council and the Carbon Utilization Research Council. 

“She worked all through a long-delayed family vacation to prepare for this hearing. We are delighted she’s here. That dedication is indicative of her commitment to her work, our state, and the University of Wyoming. Thanks, again. I look forward to your testimony,” said Barrasso.


Click here to watch Krutka’s testimony.


In her written testimony, Krutka pointed out the significance of energy-driven economic development in Wyoming. 

“Wyoming exports over 90% of the energy it produces. Our economy and way of life are dependent on the energy and extractive sectors. Wyoming is, and plans to remain, an all-of-the-above energy state,” wrote Krutka

Krutka highlighted why Wyoming is an ideal location for hydrogen technologies. 

“When it comes to standing up a hydrogen industry, Wyoming is building on a strong foundation. In addition to being a leading energy producer, the state hosts a robust and expansive rail system. This existing infrastructure could be used to transport clean ammonia. The state also offers an extensive natural gas pipeline network. Given the nascent state of the hydrogen industry, blends of hydrogen and natural gas are likely to be transported in these pipelines initially,” said Krutka.

Krutka concluded by warning that burdensome red tape could keep new natural gas and hydrogen infrastructure from being built at all. 

“Wyoming producers are leaders in lowering the methane emission intensity of the natural gas they produce. Unfortunately, despite these efforts and the value of natural gas generally, it remains difficult and time-consuming to construct new natural gas infrastructure that the United States needs both for heating and electricity. If, for example, new natural gas infrastructure would also have to comply with new FERC-imposed mandates related to transporting blends of natural gas and hydrogen, I worry that that infrastructure would never be built. In that case, the economy and the environment would lose out. Therefore, I and others in Wyoming are concerned that the imposition of new federal standards could have unintended consequences on natural gas production and transportation.,” stated Krutka.

For more information on Krutka’s testimony and the hearing, click here.

