Manchin: We Will Get to the Facts on Administration’s LNG Pause

January 26, 2024

Charleston, WV – Today, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, released the below statement in response to the Administration pausing new export permits for liquefied natural gas (LNG) sent to non-free trade agreement countries.

“Unfortunately, the announcement today reminds me of the ill-advised and unlawful pause on oil and gas leasing this Administration attempted to put in place in the name of climate. If the Administration has the facts to prove that additional LNG export capacity would hurt Americans, they must make that information public and clear. But if this pause is just another political ploy to pander to keep-it-in-the-ground climate activists at the expense of American workers, businesses, and our allies in need, I will do everything in my power to end this pause immediately.   

“Let me be crystal clear: America’s LNG policy should be based on facts, not politics.  The indisputable facts are that, to-date, America’s LNG production has strengthened our economy, created good-paying jobs, supported the energy needs of our allies around the world, and helped reduce global emissions.  I have always said that our first concern must be protecting American consumers and growing American businesses, and we need a safety valve in place to ensure Americans aren’t unnecessarily stuck paying a premium for the abundant resources we’re blessed to have. But as the superpower of the world, we also have a responsibility to our allies and trading partners who, in our absence, may have no other choice but to turn to countries that don’t share our values. That’s been made abundantly clear in the last two years as we have been able to step in to replace Russian natural gas to cut off funds for Putin’s bombs and bullets.

“As Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I will hold a hearing on LNG in the coming weeks to unveil the facts about the true state of play in the markets, this Administration’s motivations, and their implications,” said Chairman Manchin.