Barrasso: President Biden Has Declared War on Energy Producing States

February 8, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), slammed President Biden’s decision to stop new American liquefied natural gas (LNG) export approvals in both an ENR hearing and then again at a press conference.

“Russia, Iran, Qatar are ranked one, two, and three right now in reserves of natural gas. Russia, dramatically expanding its capacity to export LNG. Iran, developing its own LNG export capacity [and] Qatar’s already the world’s second largest LNG exporter. I think each would love nothing more than to displace America on the world’s LNG market,” said Senator Barrasso.

During the hearing, Deputy Secretary Turk affirmed to Senator Barrasso and the entire committee that America’s interests are better served if the world is buying liquefied natural gas from the United States rather than from Russia or Iran. Yet, the President’s decision will increase Russian and Iranian natural gas exports at the expense of American natural gas. 

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s questions to Deputy Secretary Turk in full.

During the following press conference, Barrasso highlighted the disastrous impacts this decision will have on energy security.

“The President is so panicked by his terrible poll numbers that he has surrendered America's energy policy to the climate extremists who are now calling the energy shots for this administration,” Senator Barrasso said about the decision. “Joe Biden is once again proving to our allies, people around the world, that President Biden is an unreliable partner. The desperate decision empowers Putin in Iran and it weakens America. It makes no sense.” 

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s opening remarks at the press conference.

Barrasso also emphasized during the press conference the importance of the natural gas industry in Wyoming and the critical role it plays in furthering education initiatives within the state.

“Wyoming has benefited significantly from the natural gas industry and the money that has come into our state coffers. It helps pay for education. When I was in the state Senate, we put together a program called the Hathaway Scholarship so every student in Wyoming, rich or poor – every student could, if they studied hard and stayed out of trouble, get a full scholarship to any of our community colleges or the University so they could further their education. So you’re darn right, the people of Wyoming have benefited from all of this energy and we are going to continue to try and benefit in spite of this administration declaring war on the states that produce this energy,” said Senator Barrasso.