ENR Republicans Block Democrats' Attempt to End America's National Energy Emergency
WASHINGTON – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), led his Republican colleagues in speaking against S.J. Res. 10, an effort to end America’s National Energy Emergency. Among those who joined Chairman Lee in this effort were ENR committee members Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Jim Justice (R-W.Va.), and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska).
Excerpts from the floor time are included below:
Chairman Mike Lee
“… we cannot ignore the resulting crisis anymore. The power grid is buckling, energy demand is exploding, and the very people who created this mess are now telling us quite audaciously that there is no emergency. Why? Well, they claim that the United States is producing more energy than we have in American history. But, what they conveniently omit is that we’re consuming more energy than at any time in American history,” said Chairman Lee.
For the full remarks, click here.
Senator John Barrasso
“The National Energy Emergency is part of President Trump’s swift actions to unleash American energy. It is part of a broader vision of affordable, reliable, American energy. Democrats oppose that. Democrats learned nothing from four years of failure,” said Senator Barrasso.
For the full remarks, click here.
Senator Jim Justice
“Why in the world do we in America need to blow our own legs off and turn China loose? India loose? Whomever it may be. That's what we're doing… I'm an absolute believer to embrace all the energy forms. We did 100%. But if you believe today that we can do without our fossil fuels, our great fossil fuels, and if you think we can do without them today, I say you're living in a cave. You're absolutely living in Fantasyland. Absolutely. If you don't believe that today, a year and a half from today, that we're going to have a crisis in this country off the chart as far as electricity, you need to wake up because that is what is coming,” said Senator Justice.
For the full remarks, click here.
Senator Lisa Murkowski
“We know that our country is blessed with extraordinary, extraordinary assets. We have the potential to become the world’s leading resource superpower. But in order to do that, we have to be able to produce more energy domestically, and we have to be able to extract more minerals. We have to be able to build more transmission lines. We need to be able to overhaul what is clearly a broken federal permitting process. And we can do this. We can do this in a way that is cheaper, that is more reliable, more clean, than any other nation in the world. But we’ve got to kind of dig out now from where we have been over these past four years, where we saw setback after setback for resource producing states like mine, the state of Alaska,” said Senator Murkowski.
For the full remarks, click here.